Dear ICF Japan community,
On behalf of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) team and our entire global community, I wish to express that you are in our thoughts and prayers as Japan mourns the devastation caused by the recent earthquake. There has been substantial damage in many ways, however most tragically, lives have been lost. Because we are one community, we are at your side in your suffering.
The news of the seismic event has left a profound impact on the lives of many, and we understand the gravity of the situation. In times like these, it is crucial to come together as a community and offer support to those who have been affected. With that said, please know that you are not alone in facing the challenges that lie ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate the process of recovery and rebuilding. We recognize the strength and resilience that communities exhibit during such trying times, and we are confident that, together, we can overcome the adversity.
Today we are wishing you strength, courage, and the support of your community as you embark on the journey of rebuilding. Nothing can undo this tragedy, but we stand with care and concern hoping that provides even minor support for you in this time of uncertainty and grief. May brighter days be on the horizon and may the spirit of unity guide us through this challenging period.
With sincere sympathy, and strong wishes of well-being for you and your loved ones,
Steve Weiss
CAE, Vice President of ICF Professional Coaches
国際コーチング連盟(ICF)チーム、そして私たちグローバルのコミュニティ全体を代表して、日本で先日の地震によってもたらされた壊滅的な被害を悼み、皆様のご冥福を心よりお祈り申し上げます。 様々な面で大きな被害が出ていますが、最も悲惨なことに、人命が失われています。私たちはひとつの共同体であるため、苦難にある皆さんの側にいます。
地震のニュースは多くの人々の生活に大きな衝撃を与えており、私たちは事態の深刻さを理解しています。このようなときこそ、コミュニティとして団結し、被災された方々に支援を提供することが極めて重要です。 そのうえで、前途に待ち受ける困難に直面しているのは、皆さんひとりではないことを知っておいてください。私たちは、皆様が復旧・復興のプロセスを歩まれることを心よりお祈り申し上げます。私たちは、このような困難な時期に地域社会が発揮する強さと回復力を認識し、共に逆境を乗り越えられると確信しています。
心からお見舞い申し上げるとともに、あなたとあなたの愛する方々のご多幸を心よりお祈り 申し上げます。
Steve Weiss
CAE, Vice President of ICF Professional Coaches
非営利型一般社団法人 国際コーチング連盟日本支部